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Here's the latest list of connect World of Warcraft realms. Check here to see if your realm is due for a connection soon.
- Aegwynn, Daggerspine, Gurubashi, and Hakkar
- Aggramar and Fizzcrank
- Anub’arak, Chromaggus, Garithos, Nathrezim, and Smolderthorn
- Arygos and Llane
- Auchindoun and Laughing Skull
- Azshara and Azgalor
- Balnazzar, Gorgonash, and Warsong
- Black Dragonflight, Gul'dan, and Skullcrusher
- Blackwing Lair, Dethecus, Detheroc, Lethon, and Haomarush
- Blood Furnace and Mannaroth
- Bloodscalp, Boulderfist, Dunemaul, Maiev, and Stonemaul
- Burning Blade, Lightning's Blade, and Onyxia
- Cairne and Perenolde
- Coilfang and Dark Iron/ Dalvengyr
- Dalvengyr and Dark Iron
- Dentarg and Whisperwind
- Draenor and Echo Isles
- Drak’Tharon, Firetree, Malorne, Rivendare, and Spirestone
- Fenris and Dragonblight
- Hellscream and Zangarmarsh
- Kilrogg and Winterhoof
- Magtheridon and Ysondre
- Nesingwary and Vek’nilash
- Nordrassil and Muradin
- Scilla and Ursin
- Tortheldrin and Frostmane