Wednesday, November 6, 2013

World of Warcraft Realm Connections 11/5

by MMODAQ: Buy and Sell WoW Gold -

World of Warcraft's latest round of realm connections has completed. See if you're realm is next for a connection.

Completed Connections

Aegwynn and Gurubashi
Anub’arak and Chromaggus/Garithos
Auchindoun and Laughing Skull
Balnazzar and Warsong
Black Dragonflight and Skullcrusher
Blackwing Lair and Detheroc/Dethecus
Blood Furnace and Mannaroth
Burning Blade and Onyxia
Chromaggus and Garithos
Daggerspine and Aegwynn/Hakkar
Dalvengyr and  Dark Iron
Dentarg and Whisperwind
Drak’Tharon and Firetree/Rivendare
Dunemaul, Maiev, Boulderfist and Bloodscalp
Hakkar and Aegwynn
Haomarush and Detheroc/Dethecus/Blackwing Lair
Nesingwary and Vek’nilash
Rivendare and Firetree
Stonemaul and Bloodscalp/Maiev/Boulderfist/Dunemaul
Tortheldrin and Frostmane