Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Age of Wushu - Yanmen Pass

http://MMODAQ.com >> A new instance, Yanmen Pass, is coming to Age of Wushu. Yanmen pass features a unique play system that's different from other instances in Age of Wushu. Players will choose from three different story perspectives to complete the instance.

Wulin Story
Players join as a member of the Wulin people and can enter the war directly. This is the mainline story that must be completed before the other stories are available.

Villager Story
Completing the Wulin story allows players to talk with Liu Shoukuai and take on the villager story. This point of view is through the villagers of the Yanmen Pass War and the side they chose to take in the conflict.

Defender Story
The Denfender certificate accepted from Yang Dengfeng lets players play through the point of view of those set on the fighting off of the raiders in the Yanmen Pass.

Source and image: Age of Wushu